@title 3DR Shooter rem author Brandon Basso, 3D Robotics rem author Dave Mitchell - dave@zenoshrdlu.com rem This script is based on the basic Gentled CHDK2 script rem It takes pictures and sets zooms to a few different levels @param o Zoom-extended @default o 100 @param i Zoom-stowed @default i 30 @param s Zoom-shoot @default s 10 while 1 do k = get_usb_power until k>0 if k < 5 then gosub "ch1up" if k > 4 and k < 8 then gosub "ch1mid" if k > 7 and k < 11 then gosub "ch1down" if k > 10 and k < 14 then gosub "ch2up" if k > 13 and k < 17 then gosub "ch2mid" if k > 16 and k < 20 then gosub "ch2down" if k > 19 then print "error" wend end :ch1up print "Ch1Up-Shoot"; k set_zoom s shoot sleep 1000 return :ch1mid print "Ch1Mid-Stowed"; k set_zoom i sleep 1000 return :ch1down print "Ch1Down-Extended"; k set_zoom o sleep 1000 return :ch2up return :ch2mid return :ch2down return